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Tim Groom Architects

Control. There is great responsibility in architecture. We have to understand and represent the person that commissions the work, honour the intent, and provide for the people and the community that will use and walk past it. We also have to satisfy and reward ourselves. Control for us in design terms means precision and restraint, quality and authenticity – refined buildings without extravagant embellishment, rich in detail, material thought and precise execution.

Liberated. Creativity and innovation tend to be associated with wild expression and deviation from the norm but the confidence we have in our abilities, our skill and our design intent free us from the need to follow fashion, ‘make a statement’ or deviate from what we feel is right. Our creativity and innovation is knitted in, not layered on. We’re proud of our work and it’s important we remain so.
Address Eastgate, 2 Castle Street, Manchester, M3 4LZ
ContactTim Groom
Years Active
No data (Avg 21)
£300k - £1.5m (Avg £1m)
Single Office
Professional Staff
5 - 19
Female Directors
0% (Avg 19%)
Female Staff
No data (Avg 39%)
BAME Directors
No data (Avg 9%)
BAME Staff
No data (Avg 12%)
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