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The Architect Directory

Milan Babic Architects

We are a diverse and knowledgeable team with a contemporary and pragmatic approach, we aim to create contextual architecture that is carefully considered, materially and spatially rich. We particularly enjoy working with existing buildings and the richness they can bring to a project.

We believe development and developers are crucial to assisting with the critical question of our era, how and where will we house a growing and ageing population? We work hard with developers to ensure projects are financially viable, robust and attractive.

Our ability to combine local, national and statutory policies with a cost-effective and holistic attitude toward early design, detailed design and construction stages, means we often deliver well designed projects with a maximum gross development value for our clients.
Address Bickels Yard, 151B Bermondsey Street, London, SE1 3UW
Years Active
19 (Avg 21)
£300k - £1.5m (Avg £1m)
Single Office
Architects Declare
Professional Staff
5 - 19
Female Directors
0% (Avg 19%)
Female Staff
No data (Avg 39%)
BAME Directors
No data (Avg 9%)
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No data (Avg 12%)
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