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HUB Architects

HUB Architects and Designers are a RIBA chartered and BIID registered practice formed in October 2006 by Simon Watkins and Kate Spence. As a partnership, we share a broad knowledge and experience of design and building, allowing our approach to be creative and inventive. We aim to discover the full potential of all our projects. We know that each project will involve, the dreams and ambitions of the client, the physical and practical constraints of the building, the valuable input of everyone involved in the construction process & thousands of questions and decisions. We aim to shape and understand our clients’ dreams, to analyse and rationalise the constraints, to investigate and solve problems, to be open and responsive, to aid the communication and effective co-operation of all parties involved with a project & to keep an open dialogue with the client keeping their goals at the centre of all we do. At the end of a project, we like to think that we have found solutions, added value, not missed opportunities, communicated effectively, behaved in a fair and ethical fashion & built a great building.
Addresses 1 Burwood Place, London, W2 2UT
Unit 25 Basepoint, Crab Apple Way, Evesham, WR11 1GP
Years Active
14 (Avg 21)
£0k - £300k (Avg £1m)
Single Office
RIBA Chartered Practice
Professional Staff
0 - 4
Female Directors
50% (Avg 19%)
Female Staff
67% (Avg 39%)
BAME Directors
No data (Avg 9%)
BAME Staff
No data (Avg 12%)
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