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Hanson Architects

Hanson Architects is an award winning, design-led practice based in Ladbroke Grove with a proven record of obtaining intricate planning consents and completing complex buildings on challenging and constrained sites. We also have expertise adapting listed buildings and working in conservation areas.

We strive to create site and client specific solutions that maximise the qualities of light, space and materials.

Hanson Architects have built schools, restaurants, offices, bars and houses. We have gained specialist knowledge in the construction of basements completing over twenty in central London, the largest basement in Notting Hill under the JCB, a new building for Notting Hill Prep School in 2012. We have also built the first ever school under a motorway for the same client in Ladbroke Grove.
Address Studio 7C Wellington Road, NW10 5LJ
Years Active
21 (Avg 21)
£0k - £300k (Avg £1m)
Single Office
Architects Declare
Professional Staff
0 - 4
Female Directors
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