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Acanthus WSM Architects

Acanthus WSM Architects is an award winning, multi-disciplinary practice. With over 30 years of experience we have an extensive portfolio of clients and projects with particular expertise in all residential sectors, urban regeneration, community and healthcare sectors. Our work is characterised by thoughtful design where we strive to create places and spaces that people enjoy using. We recognise the importance of pragmatic design solutions and attention to detail. The core philosophy of the practice is to provide our clients with the highest quality of service.
Address Studio 11, 2 King Charles Street, Leeds, LS1 6LS
Years Active
40 (Avg 21)
£300k - £1.5m (Avg £1m)
Single Office
RIBA Chartered Practice
Professional Staff
5 - 19
Female Directors
0% (Avg 19%)
Female Staff
No data (Avg 39%)
BAME Directors
No data (Avg 9%)
BAME Staff
No data (Avg 12%)
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