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Moxon Architects

Our work combines design excellence, technical talent and a commitment to faultless delivery. Founded in 2004, Moxon has since attracted major clients in a variety of sectors, from national rail providers to leading cultural institutions. Among them: Transport for London, Hauser & Wirth and the City of Westminster.

The common threads are bold vision and versatility. We approach each project with fresh eyes, first understanding the needs and ambitions our client, and then striving to elevate them. The result is distinctly individual work, clear in its purpose and appropriate to its context.

We pride ourselves on a diverse team that allows us to provide multi-disciplinary solutions for clients in any category – commercial, residential, product design, or public sector. Throughout, we stay committed to sustainability and beauty.
Addresses New Hibernia Walk, London, SE1 9AG
Quarry Studios, Crathie, AB35 5UL
ContactBen Addy
Years Active
16 (Avg 21)
£300k - £1.5m (Avg £1m)
Single Office
RIBA Chartered Practice
Architects Declare
Professional Staff
5 - 19
Female Directors
0% (Avg 19%)
Female Staff
No data (Avg 39%)
BAME Directors
No data (Avg 9%)
BAME Staff
No data (Avg 12%)
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